West Haven Federation of Teacher and School Nurses Local 1547
President | Kristen Malloy-Scanlon | KristenScanlon@whschools.org | Savin Rock |
Executive VP | Peter Sulkis | PeterSulkis@whschools.org | Savin Rock |
VP of Defense | Jeanne Palmer | JeannePalmer@whschools.org | WHHS |
VP of Finances | Alison McBride | AlisonMcBride@whschools.org | Pagels |
VP of Recording | Kerry McQueeney | KerryMcQueeney@whschools.org | Savin Rock |
VP of Communications | Tracey Acquarulo | TraceyAcquarulo@whschools.org | WHHS |
VP of Community & Social Services | Joanie Amato | JoanieAmato@whschools.org | WHHS |
Council at Large HS | Terrie Hartsoe | TerrieHartsoe@whschools.org | WHHS |
Council at Large Middle | Jeanne Vauiso | JeanneVauiso@whschools.org | Bailey |
Council at Large Intermediate | Jamey Sitro | JameySitro@whschools.org | Carrigan |
Council at Large Elementary | Kim Zabilowski | KimZabilowski@whschools.org | Mackrille |
Council at Large Elementary | Ann Wentworth | AnnWentworth@whschools.org | Pagels |
Council at Large Pupil Services | |||
Legislative Chair | Shannon Adamo | ShannonAdamo@whschools.org | Carrigan |
Education Chair | Carrie McGowan | CarrieMcGowan@whschools.org | Savin Rock |
Mobilization Chair | Kathy Shea | KathrynShea@whschools.org | Bailey |
Social Chair | |||
Retirement Chair | Eric Glagowski | Ericglagowski@whschools.org | |
Steward Representative HS | Emily Grosshuesch | Emilygrosshuesch@whschools.org | WHHS |
Steward Representative Middle | Cynthia Messina | Cynthiamessina@whschools.org | Bailey |
Steward Representative Intermediate | Ralph Carrano | RalphCarrano@whschools.org | Carrigan |
Steward Representative Elementary | Gina Bohan | GinaBohan@whschools.org | Forest |
Nurses | Alexandria Rich | Alexandriarich@whschools.org | |